
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

     This afternoon, after his nap, Locke and I set out to explore Middle Bar Road just south of Jackson. The last time I had been out there the bumpy road was extremely uncomfortable as I was 8 months pregnant at the time, this time, however, the 3 mile drive out to the Middle Bar bridge was much more comfortable and probably won't result in a baby in 3 weeks.
      It was hot, again, but not nearly as it has been the past few days, and the shaded road and many dales made the 2 hour walk quite pleasant.
     Immediately, as we crossed the bridge into Calaveras County, we spotted a heron springing up from the Amador shore side, what I thought to be a bittern at first was actually a Green Heron, a lifer for me so it was quite thrilling to see. The heron was exactly where we had seen an American Dipper almost 2 years ago, but the water level was much higher this time making the habitat unsuitable for the Dipper but ideal for this heron. Score!
    About an hour in we had spotted plenty of Lesser Goldfinches and Black Phoebes, neither of which are new to the year list but we were soon rewarded with the presence of an Ash-throated Flycatcher.
    Near the end of our walk I noticed an entrance to the Coast to Crest trail, a permitted hiking trail along the Mokeulmne that I am very interested in trying. My curiosity was well worth it as we saw a small, familiar blue colored bird lilting across the trail. I pulled out my binocs and was easily able to identify the petite and lovely Lazuli Bunting: a bird that I had seen out on French Bar road several times but only now have been able to add to my year list.
   So one lifer and two other new birds to add to the list. A good day, I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!


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